Personally Tailored
Personally Tailored
“Personal Tailoring’ is our entry level of individual tailoring, this service is for those clients who are unable to attend the store for further fittings, or have a more strict budget. With this service we use our ‘house block’, which the customer is able to try on in store in a variety of cloths.
Minor adjustments to the block are permitted including fit at waist and sleeve length, as the garment is straight to finish, without skeleton fits the process gives a factory finished garment with a less artisan look. The client is permitted to choose: fabric, lining and buttons, along with the styling on pockets and lapel.
Although the level of detailing is reduced, the variety of cloth choice remains as the same as the other services. We are able to make anything from tweed jackets and vest, through the evening wear and velvet jackets, as well as traditional.
This service takes around 10-12 weeks for completion, and is constructed in workshops in Europe. The prices for this service start at £845 for a blazer and £1425 for a 3 piece suit.